Thursday, January 7, 2010

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Today we had a snowday because it would have taken us forever to get to the agencies we had scheduled for today due to the fact that the tube system all but shuts down at the slightest hint of "adverse weather." So instead, we all went to the Victoria and Albert Museum! I really enjoyed the photography and Middle Eastern exhibits that they had.

After the museum, Katina and I got manicures and pedicures. It was so relaxing and was the perfect thing to do on a snowday! After pampering ourselves. we headed over to Harrod's and browsed through a ton of overpriced items. (I still am having a hard time figuring out how a flimsy scarf could possibly still cost 345 Pounds at 80% off.) We had ice cream at the ice cream bar that they have here- and the moment they brought out my ice cream could possibly have been the most happy I have been on this entire trip! Seriously. It was amazing. Hazelnut, chocolate, and vanilla ice cream drizzled with hardening chocolate syrup, topped with whipped cream and toasted hazelnuts, and garnished with a chocolate straw and a cup made of chocolate filled with nutella. I ate this for dinner and was in absolute heaven.