Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cheeseburger in Paradaise

The UK has an interesting obsession with hamburgers. For dinner I went to with some friends to the Gourmet Burger Kitchen where I got a Kiwi veggie burger (from New Zealand) with beets, onions, egg, and a lot of other things on it. It was HUGE and delicious. We ended the night by chilling out at the pub up the street from our hotel.

The beginning of today was a little snowy here in London. All of the tubes were backed up in the morning and the entire city was freaking out over a couple inches of snow. To their credit, it did accumulate a lot more in the suburbs, as we later experienced during our train ride to Edmonton, where our agency visit was located. Before our visit, however, we had class at our normal time. Thinking we were going to be late (and therefore incur a 5 point deduction to our final grade,) Meghan, Katina, and I decided to take a cab to our classroom. We made it about 25 minutes late only to discover that nobody from our class, not even our professors, had made it to class yet! So we grabbed a coffee at the Starbucks down the street and carefully made it back to the classroom without slipping on the icy, snowy sidewalks.

After class Katina, Meghan, Jake, and I ate for a second time at Cantina, one of our favorite cafes here. Then it was off to the Action for Social Integration Agency visit with the whole class. There, we talked to two men who told us about the services they offer at their agency. They help immigrants with legal advice, getting jobs, and anything else they could need in order to integrate into a new society.

While standing on the platform awaiting the train back to central London, everything looked so peaceful as large snowflakes were falling all around us. I felt as if I were about to board the Polar Express! Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me.