Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It makes a change

The first few days here have been great. I have definitely gotten used to the idea that I am actually in Honduras, and that I will actually be here for the next two months. This was honestly the least engaged I have been with a trip of mine before getting here. There was so much to do beforehand that had nothing to do with this experience, that I didn't process the fact that I was going at all, really. But now that I'm here, I have had time to realize what I am doing here and why, and so far, it has been going extremely well.

We have been able to spend lots of time with the boys, and I have been getting to know a lot of them. It is amazing how resilient kids are; I am amazed every time I get a chance to work with the ones who have suffered more than I could ever fathom. They are inspiring, and make me want to do everything I can to improve their circumstances.

I am really seeing how Kelsey and I are going to be able to do awesome things at ProNiño, teaching the boys photography and how to share their own stories with the world. I have only been here a few days, but already have so many goals and plans for this internship. There is a lot to be done here, and I hope that Kelsey and I can really make some changes that we feel need to be made. I can't wait to see what unfolds from this!

We are having so much fun documenting every second of this trip on our other blog (www.lensesarelouderthanwords.blogspot.com), which is why this blog might be lacking a bit.
So please check out this blog as well! Packed with videos, stories, etc., to keep you hooked and informed on what's going on down here!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Goodnight, travel well

Soooo I'm about to head off to Honduras where I will be completing my Human Services Internship for the next two months! I know it seems weird that I would be leaving school for half the semester, but the way we do it at Elon, is there are block courses, which means my internship class completed our other classes in the first half of the semester.

What will I be doing? My friend Kelsey and I will be working at ProNiño, an organization for former street kids, teaching photography and learning about how their NGO is run.

We are very excited and it is going to be an amazing experience!
I'll be keeping up with this travel blog, of course, but please check out our other blog at lensesarelouderthanwords.blogspot.com !!!

And as always, please pray for safe travels!
