Sunday, June 13, 2010

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

This weekend our group took a long weekend in Antigua, a beautiful Spanish-colonial city in Guatemala about 3 hours away from Lake Atitlan. There are tons of ruins, cathedrals, shops…some pretty cool architecture happening there. Definitely worth a stop if you’re near by.

I particularly enjoyed my, Liza, and Hailey’s visit to this one convent where there is this part where you stand in the middle of a circular courtyard and are supposed to be able to hear whispers from throughout the convent. It was pretty awesome. There was also this dungeon place that was extremely echo-y….it was kind of a sketchy find, but once Liza, Hailey and I were down there, I couldn’t resist singing songs from The Sound of Music…I mean we were in a convent after all.

This was probably the best day of the trip…the day was super rainy and we were drenched the whole time, but it was SO fun! It was also the worst day because I dropped my delicious avocado and tuna leftovers from lunch just steps from our hotel after safeguarding it all day through the torrential rain and other obstacles.

I comforted myself by creating a slip and slide in the outdoor hallway of our hotel using a blanket and the slippery floor.