Friday, June 4, 2010

Hey, everything's right

The rest of this week was great! I started my language classes...4 hours every day. Sounds like a lot, but I couldn't believe how quickly the time flew! I have an amazing instructor, Vilma, who is about 27 years old and sort of a rebel in terms of Mayan culture. She doesn't wear the traditional traje here like most women do...she wears "normal" clothes. I hope I learned some Spanish but I'm not sure if I did because we were laughing about something pretty much every 2.7 minutes... (No, we studied too...but it was so much fun and we had some cool conversations!) I am a little bummed that I only get 2 weeks of these conversation classes!

On Wednesday, I met with Daniel, my supervisor at the LISI school where I will be teaching English starting on Monday. I was meant to meet with him at 10, but in typical Guatemalan style, he showed up at my house at around quarter to 11 :) He showed me the school and we talked about what I will be doing at LISI, a school for young women ages 15-21 who are studying to be bilingual secretaries. They are actually going to be trilingual....all of them speak Spanish and Tz'utujil (a Mayan dialect), and they are all learning English.

Also on Wednesday, Liza and I stopped at this little coffee shop down by the muelle (dock). We had run into this guy named Carlos, who essentially lives (we think) at the hotel behind the shop, a few days earlier, and he told us we had to try the coffee there. We treated ourselves to a delicious iced coffee...and we were not disappointed.

On Thursday and Friday, because I still did not have to teach yet, I went with Liza to the clinic she is working at for the summer. It was so cool to see this place! Joanne, a woman around 60 years old from Texas, moved down here about 9 years ago and started the clinic. The place is immaculately clean compared to the alley of dirt and rocks that leads up to it. I am going to be doing some medical translating for them this summer when they have clinics...We'll see how that goes...I am excited to see how I will do!