Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Doctor thanks for seeing me today, I'm glad

This week we have another group of American doctors and nurses who have come down to hold another medical jornada (pretty much a traveling clinic). We have been going to the same aldeas (outlying towns) as we did for the last jornada. This is a very large group and they are staying across the lake in Pana in a very nice hotel, so they are not eating at Petrona’s like the other group did.

So every day this week we wake up and go to a community center to set up. There is a dentist here this time too, which is really cool. She just pulls peoples’ teeth out. I translated for her one day and at first I was a bit squeamish but I got used to it.

These are long days of waking up at 6, eating breakfast, running the jornadas, and not returning home until dinner. But it is so fun to do this! I love being around the clinic and the doctors and nurses. I have learned so much from them, Mary, and Liza about this entire field and it has really inspired me.