Saturday, July 9, 2011

Let the sun shine in. By the edge of the ocean, we can start over again

I’m leaving tomorrow to go back to the Philippines. It’s been a surreal two weeks at home, and of course, I am hesitant to leave my mom, the girls, and Michael. But I know that I need to be back in the Philippines right now. My dad was so proud of the work I was doing there, and I know he would want me to finish what I started.

I will be back in Manila in time to take the GRE on Thursday, which is a relief. I wanted to get the test in, so I’m glad I will get to do that. Luckily, Annie is also taking the GRE the day before, so I won’t be in Manila alone. I get in on Monday night and she will meet me at the hotel on Tuesday around lunch time. It will be good to see a friend right away, for sure.

Please pray for safe travels and peace for my family while I am gone.